Man Ray and Photograms

     Photograms have to be one of the most unique forms of photography that I have ever heard about. So much can be done with a photogram, it all depends on the artist. One of my favorite themes of photograms is abstract. Abstract photograms really show the experimental aspect in this form of photography. 

    Man Ray is a perfect artistic reference for abstract photograms, I mean his artwork is called "rayographs". He truly knew how to make the mind wonder with his artwork. Not only about what objects he was using but about the techniques that he used to get such results. Like this picture below, I am pretty certain that the object being used in this image is a slinky. But when it comes to the rest of the image my mind is filled with ideas, could it be paint? 

You truly have to look at it as if you were photographing an idea. How difficult the process is simply depends on how creative we get with the process. But all you need to make a photogram is a light source and a room. The "rayograph" below in my opinion is one of Man Ray's simplest photograms. You can tell what the objects are, some lightbulbs and a lamp shade. And it seems like he just placed the objects on the print and took specific objects off after a certain amount of time.

Experimental artwork is the best, you are creating something that has not existed yet. There are so many more things to try with photograms, perhaps the options are simply endless. When constructing my own photograms I will definitely be looking at Man Ray for inspiration on the abstract theme. 
